Visitors’ Survey : Actions Arising
Things are now happening thanks to our Visitors’ Survey at the beginning of the year.
So that we can provide more information to Park users, our three new Notice Boards (funded by Chris Stone of Horts Estate Agency and West Hunsbury Parish Council, for which we are most grateful), are now in place in the Country Park, plus West Northants Council (WNC) have said that we can adopt the existing Borough Council notice board in Ladybridge Park. These will hopefully allow us to reach more people with our posters and notices.
We had a meeting in the Country Park on 8th November with members of WNC Parks Department, West Hunsbury Parish Council (WHPC), idverde, Ironstone Railway Trust (NIRT), Northampton Local Access Forum (NLAF) to assess accessibility and mud problems with the results that :
- WNC agreed to submit proposals for a footpath (‘gritted’ tarmac preferred) and ramps to and through the pedestrian gates at the NIRT level crossing at the entrance to the Wild Flower Meadow;
- WNC also agreed to submit proposals for ramps each side of the main level crossing on the Drovers’ Road, once NIRT have finalised their rail alignments at the crossing;
- WNC will seek quotes to re-grade the 200m section of Drovers’ Road leading from our new ‘Notice Board Crossroads’ towards Tesco, which is the worst section for mud and puddles, so that it doesn’t puddle as badly as it does at the moment.
- WNC reported the excessive leaves and mud across the footpath where Drovers’ Road crosses Hunsbury Hill Road and this has now been actioned by WNC Highways.
Other things that are progressing in the Parks as a result of our liaison with WNC :
- At some time between mid-December and mid-January, WNC are expecting to be able to replace the play equipment that was vandalised in the Country Park during the summer;
- WNC have already renewed the collapsed timber footbridge across the ditch between the Railway Air Shaft path leading to the Briar Hill subway and the View Point Meadow (What3Words location approximately ’lamp.doing’) and we are now asking them to ensure the surface of the bridge is non-slip.
More Astronomy : January 3rd
Book the date ! John McEvoy is coming back to the Country Park on Tuesday 3rd January, when it will hopefully be a clear sky so that he can show us where to see the Orion Nebula, and where to look for Mars and Jupiter as well as a good look through his telescope at the Moon.
John will also be able to update us all on the revolutionary photos of the universe now being provided by the new James Webb Telescope and give us some more insights into all things universe-related.
More details here. Remember to wrap up warm.
Green Lane logs
The section of the ancient Drovers’ Road that runs up Hunsbury Hill from Ladybridge Drive to Hunsbury Hill Road is known to us as Green Lane. A couple of large oak trees have been cut down on Green Lane behind Whaddon Close and, subject to funding, we are planning to commission a chainsaw artist to sculpt a variety of benches and sculptures from the largest of the logs. We will be moving the logs before carving, to appropriate locations in our parks.
The cost of all this will be massive and we are currently seeking quotes for the work, so if there is anyone out there who would like to sponsor this by funding the work, please contact us through our website.
We have also got approval from WNC to plant some bulbs and whip-hedging in the vicinity of the oak logs. This will probably all be done in or about March of next year.
We are still looking for new members
In the last few months, we have welcomed Tracey Wood from Camp Hill into our group, but we would still like more fresh recruits. For all of you who enjoy the Parks, please consider joining us. It’s not very onerous and can be fun. More details here. Be part of the future !
Litter Picks
We don’t have any ‘mass’ litter picks planned at the moment, but they are very ad hoc, so keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for when we announce another one.
We usually do them for about an hour at a time. If you want to join in and help, please come along. We’ll provide litter grabs, gloves and bags.
Other things
In the meantime you can always enjoy our Tree Trail and can buy Northampton Lottery tickets using our dedicated page at any time. This QR Code will take you straight there :
Be sure to enjoy the Wildflower Meadow and the Bluebell Wood, but with the latter, please do stick to the established paths round the edge of the wood so as not to squash or damage the flowers.
Remember to keep an eye on this website and on our Facebook page for updates.