In response to the Visitors’ Survey request for more information and signage, we have now installed three notice boards around the Country Park. This has been made possible by generous funding from Horts Estate Agency and West Hunsbury Parish Council.
Each board has an aerial view (courtesy of Google) with the various meadows and features in the Park labelled, as well as details of our website and Facebook page.
On 2nd November we walked around the Country Park with Nicola Clarke of idverde and Rob and Ness from RSPB to consider possibilities for improving biodiversity, including more unmown areas and wild flowers, and liaising with Hunsbury Park Primary School to make and install more bird boxes, bat boxes, owl boxes and other wildlife habitats such as bug hotels. We will have more info on this once idverde and RSPB have had a chance to consider the possibilities.
On 8th November, we are again walking through the Country Park, this time with representatives from West Northants Council (WNC), West Hunsbury Parish Council (WHPC), idverde and Northants Ironstone Railway Trust (NIRT), to discuss what is possible to reduce (or avoid) the muddiness ~ particularly along the Drovers’ Road and Green Lane ~ and to assess accessibility issues ~ particularly over the 3 formal NIRT railway crossings.
If you haven’t yet read the report analysing the results of the survey, you can access the Analysis Report here.
And if you want to know what was discussed at our initial meeting with WNC, WHPC and idverde in August, you can view or download the meeting minutes here.