Be part of the future of the parks

We would like to recruit some new members to join our group, to help us retain our beautiful parks for future generations and possibly finding out more about the history of the Hill Fort, which is a scheduled Ancient Monument.

We organise various events to help to raise funds for our activities and participate in national events such as Heritage Open Days. New blood with fresh ideas would be appreciated.

To find out more about us and the sort of things we have been doing, please go to our website sections News & Events, Gallery and About Us. We also have a Facebook page.

Meetings are held monthly at Parsons Meade in the afternoon, although if afternoons are inconvenient, that could be changed. The meetings rarely last more than 2 hours and are very relaxed with plenty of laughter, tea and biscuits.  We are a friendly group.

No specific experience is necessary, just local residents who appreciate the green spaces we have in West Hunsbury.

If interested, please email us at