Congratulations to Strictly Harrowing 2021 Champions : UNIT 22

Congratulations to the Unit 22 team for winning our Heritage Open Days Strictly Harrowing 2021 competition.

Pictured above are the runner-up, William, with the winning Unit 22 team of Greg, Bonney, Mary, Jamie, Ethan, Hayley and Chloe.

After all the build-up, the Unit 22 team made it look easy, although only one of them did as many lengths as William. See if you can spot how they did it in this video (with apologies to William and Robert).

The Unit 22 gym, located in Far Cotton, Northampton, is renowned for getting people super-fit and helping them maintain levels of uber-fitness enjoyed by only a few. So what did they choose as their prize? Cake !!!

Thank you to everyone who turned up to join in and particularly those who dropped some money in our donations buckets. And big thankyou’s to Unit 22 team, Robert Clarke and William, and our sponsor Chris Stone from Horts, for making it happen.

We’ll have to make it harder next year, to give William a chance !

Fancy a go next year ? Contact us using to let us know.