Enjoy our Tree Trail this Winter

This is a nice gentle walk around and about the Hillfort and its ring of trees. It normally takes 45-60 minutes ~ just right for a bit of essential fresh air and exercise, and you will learn about the trees identified on the Trail as you go.

Maps and leaflets are available from the Parks Information Centre at The Drovers Return café, and can also be downloaded here (coloured). The coloured leaflet is for everyone, the black & white leaflet (download here) is specifically for young children, who can colour it in after the walk.

We established the Tree Trail in 2019, using part of our National Lottery Funding and with the help of Francesca Service via Northampton Museum. A number of specially interesting trees around the Country Park were identified with QR codes on wooden pillars, the QR Codes providing details about each identified tree.

Some of the QR Code plates were subsequently vandalised with graffiti, so we have replaced the worst affected plates. But please let us know if you come across any that have been vandalised again.

We will keep this going as long as there is a demand for the leaflets. Don’t forget to install a QR Code reading app onto your smart phone if the camera doesn’t read QR Codes automatically.

There is also a Tree Health & Safety Report undertaken in 2019 on which the Tree Trail is based. You can read this (and all the other surveys and reports from our Lottery-funded year) via the links in the ‘Our Lottery Year’ article.