West Hunsbury Parish Council’s fireworks are back for 2023 !

West Hunsbury Parish Council are again organising a festival of fireworks for
Saturday 4th November,
between 6:30 and 8:30 pm, with the main event starting around 7:30.

As you can see from the poster, WHPC are looking for volunteers to help steward the event on the night. If you are available and willing, please contact Linda Hook a.s.a.p. to let her know.

There will be fire breathers and refreshment stalls as well as the fireworks.

As the car parking in Ladybridge Park will be limited, please walk to the venue if at all possible, and please use the Ladybridge Drive entrance to enter and exit.

There is no alcohol allowed, nor any personal fireworks, so please don’t bring any.

And please help the Friends to keep the park (and surrounds) looking good by bagging and binning any litter, or taking it home to your own bins.