And we need sponsors or donations to fund them

One of the key things to come out of our recent Visitor Survey was a request for more information ~ about the Hill Fort, the ancient Drovers Road, the Parks and the history of the area generally. A lot of people suggested more notice boards would help.

We agree, and would like to locate some around the Parks, so that we can put up maps signposting the relevant features in the Parks, advertise forthcoming events and topical items such as snowdrops and bluebells warnings, and post brief articles about the history of the place.

BUT, we need funding for this. Noticeboards cost around £1,000 to buy and install and we need a minimum of 3 to start.

Those of you who said in your responses to the Visitor Survey that you wanted to see more notice boards, would you please either donate, or sponsor, or (and?) persuade someone else (or a business) to sponsor or donate.

Sponsors would be acknowledged on the noticeboards, (as well as donors, if they want it).

We already have one generous sponsor, Chris Stone from Horts Estate Agency, who has agreed to pay for at least 1 notice board. Please contact us NOW at to donate or sponsor the next noticeboard.