Some reprehensible reprobate(s) has/have stolen our replica gun from Grenville the Grenadier Guardsman and also the orb from Queen Suzie.
In the process, they have ripped off Grenville’s left hand and glove and damaged Suzie’s balance. Although the replica gun is only a bit of wood and metal pipe, and the orb is a plastic ball covered with Christmas decorations, we took a lot of time and effort to make our scarecrows as regal and realistic as possible.
This mindless vandalism was perpetrated within hours of the scarecrows being set up as part of West Hunsbury Active Residents Facebook group Easter Scarecrow Festival which is for everyone’s enjoyment.
If anyone knows where our objects are, please return them to us by dropping them off at the Drovers Return café, so that we can return our royal scarecrows to their original glory.
Meanwhile, the only way at the moment to see how Grenville and Queen Suzy should be looking, is to visit our website Gallery or read our original article “Come and meet royalty”.