It was too cold in January to spend too long searching the heavens, but it will be warmer this coming Saturday, although you should still wrap up warm. Unfortunately, it might also be cloudy, and if that is the case, then we will again consider postponing to Sunday 13th March (and if that is a cloudy evening as well, then we will probably have to postpone to later in the year).
We are meeting later this time, as it won’t be properly dark until about 7pm. The idea is that we collect at the Drovers Return at 6:30pm for John to tell us where to look in the sky to find the various stars, constellations, galaxies, planets and satellites that will be on view.
John will also tell us about a number of apps that show you which of the above your phone camera can see as you swing the phone around. A lot of these are free to install on your mobile phones and work even when it is cloudy, so it might be worth coming along just for that.
We intend to be out in the Wildflower Meadow (or the car park) with John and his telescope by 7pm, so that we can get a good look at the moon and also let John point out which stars, galaxies, satellites, etc. are on view.
When we have had enough, we can return to the Drovers for a cup of something warm and a Q & A session with John.
John is eager to tell us about the John Webb telescope, which was launched in December (2021) with the purpose of exploring the outer limits of the universe (i.e. light from 13 billion years ago !). He will also explain what a planisphere is (and how to use it), as well as answering any astronomical questions we have.
Please try and bring a folding chair, or perhaps an old blanket, so that you can avoid a cricked neck and can relax while looking at the stars. And don’t forget a torch ~ preferably with red beam, but we will have some red film if you haven’t.
Once again we have to thank Colin Ingle who has agreed to keep The Drovers Return open especially for us to have this event. Thank you, Colin.