Thank You Volunteer Litter Pickers

Our spatially distanced 2-location social distancing litter picks on Saturday (20th June 2020) were both well attended by volunteers, with over 6 in the Country Park and another half dozen (adults and children) in Ladybridge Park (plus the Friends, of course).

Thank you to everyone who turned up to help us. We really are grateful for all your help.

We are also extremely grateful to those park users who pick up litter while walking their dogs, or simply enjoying the parks on their own, in between our organised litter picks.

We are going to order more equipment to make sure we always have enough for those who turn up, but please remember that a small number of litter grabs are kept in the Drovers Return café, so please ask Colin if you can borrow one whenever you are going for a walk in the Country Park (you’ll need your own bag and gloves, though).

Stay safe.