Thank you wheelbarrow volunteers

Thank you to the volunteers (and idverde) who turned up with their wheelbarrows on Monday afternoon to help us move as much of the wood chippings pile in the Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust compound as we could in the time available. We really appreciated your input.

Also thank you to Roger of the Trust for opening up the compound especially for us to be able to do this.

We managed to improve a small section of the sunken path between the current railway line and the Hunsbury Close gardens (which is actually the original line of the railway in the 19th century), and also managed to provide a pathway over the worst of the mud where the big ’playground’ field exits on to the Drovers Road / Green Lane at the eastern end of the field.

We acknowledge that more work is needed and, as NIRT still have plenty of wood chips available, we will try and arrange another ‘wheelbarrow’ work day to continue our efforts. Keep an eye on this website and our Facebook page to find out when.

And please join us. Many hands (and barrows) make light work.