We appreciate that we did not give enough warning or time for the Best Winter Photograph competition that we announced a week before Christmas. We only had one entry up to Christmas and that was very much tongue-in-cheek (see below),
so we are extending the competition until Easter (2020).
Your photo can have been taken at any time in the past or present, and does NOT need to be photo-shopped like the poor Robin and snow-scene above (both pinched off our Facebook page).
Please post your photos on to our Facebook page or, preferably, email them to us via the info@friendsofwesthunsburyparks.org.uk email address in the Contact Us link on our website. There will be a prize for the winner(s) and we will post as many of your photos as we can on our website Gallery and Facebook pages
Our chair, Mavis, will do the judging and will announce the winner(s) at our Easter Pebble-Egg Hunt.
GOOD LUCK from the Friends of West Hunsbury Parks.