Saturday, 13th July 2019 was another great day for a party, with the rain holding off, although not as much sunshine as last year. The grass was noticeably greener ! We’ve put more photos into our Gallery. Thank you to all the parents who gave us permission to do this.
The Friends are grateful to the organisers to have been invited to put up a stall at this increasingly popular charity event. Many thanks to Zoe for giving us the opportunity to publicise our activities, especially now that our Heritage Lottery year is now officially at an end (so we have to fund everything we do out of funds we raise ourselves now).
We did put up a display showing what we have achieved over the last year, but it was rather overshadowed by our Treasure Hunt! We repeated our events manager, Luisa’s, idea from last year to have a free treasure hunt, for children to find prizes buried in a sand pit. It was a magnet for the youngsters and all 130+ prizes which were hidden in the sand had been discovered by 2:30.
So we had to change tack and, as the children seemed to have as much fund sifting through the sand as they did actually finding an ”artefact”, we challenged two brothers to see which of them could shovel the most sand from the pit into our buckets (so that we could take it home). Needless to say it was declared a draw so they were both given a cake from the WI stall next door for their efforts. Thank you, guys. Maybe next year we’ll forgo the treasure and just have a sand shifting stall !
It was an enjoyable day for the Friends and we were able to hand out quite a few leaflets explaining what we do and what is available in the Parks, including our popular Tree Trail, but the main aim of the event is to raise money for the Brain Tumour Charity and we hope that at the end of the day the total raised reflects the hard work put in by Zoe and Val to make the day a success.