Every year in September, places across England open their doors to celebrate their Heritage, Community and History. Once again, the Friends of West Hunsbury Parks will be taking part in this Festival of History and Culture, which brings together 2,500 organisations, 5,000 events and 40,000 volunteers.
The Hillfort is one of the many interesting and beautiful and historic buildings and venues in Northampton which will be part of this event. Details can be found on Heritageopendays.org.uk, or on the Northampton Borough Council web site.
Hunsbury Iron Age Hillfort is a very important part of the heritage of Northampton, and the Friends will have a display in the car park of Hunsbury Hill Country Park, where this scheduled monument can be found. There will be a quiz for the children, which will take them into the Hillfort to look for the answers. Prizes for all successful participants! For those who do not know the way to the Hillfort, there will be “Friends” available to take you to the site, and give more information about its history.
Sturdy footwear is advised.