If you have visited or passed the Hunsbury Hill Country Park you will have noticed the display on the sign at the entrance to the Park.
The East Midlands in Bloom (EMiB) judges visited the park on 13th July 2018 to meet the Friends and hear about the park and the Iron Age hill fort.
Thanks to West Hunsbury WI we gained some points right at the start of the tour for the poppy-drape on our entrance sign. The theme for the EMiB competition this year is Peace, to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the first World War. At short notice, members of the WI knitted and crocheted over a hundred poppies to enable us to put together the display at the entrance to the Park. Many, many thanks to all the members who contributed to this. The local WI have supported the Friends in many of our projects from litter picking to digging up ragwort and we look forward to continuing this relationship.
The display will definitely stay in place until Britain in Bloom judges visit the park in August and hopefully will survive until Armistice day in November.